Saturday 17 July 2010

Link to A2 blog
(copy and paaste into address bar)

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Order of posts

The order in which the posts are in, is the correct order of when the posts were made, but as we had so many problems with our other blog, one created through Wordpress, we had to copy all of our work from the old blog to this new one. Therefore the dates and times of which the posts were made are not the correct times or dates of the originaly blogs. I had to number them that way to make sure they were in the order that I originally created them in.

Sunday 17 January 2010

Saturday 16 January 2010

IS IT THE 60S?????

With The Secret Life of Tommy Blackwell, we are still indecisive about whether or not the piece is actually set in the 60s or not. There are two possible endings, one for each of mine and Jacks opinions on the film. It was awkward for us to decide whether or not the piece is set in the 60's as there are so many modern day technologies that got in the way of our piece for example T'Vs and phones, and being amateur film makers we are unable to avoid modern day occurances, such as being able to move the road of cars. If he was living in the 60's the clothing and general mise-en-scene would be relevant to that time.
The first and most likely option is that he is living n the modern day, with modern technology, but still trying to live his life as if in the 60's. The clothes and technology that he uses would have to be historically correct for the 60's era, but creating this historical accuracy for one character is much easier than changing the whole piece into a 60's set piece.
On the other hand, it could be a 60's set piece as in the first two minutes we have filmed there are not many sightings of modern day technology in the piece.

Friday 15 January 2010


I thought it would be best to start my blog with a poster of our film. Using Paint.Net I managed to conjure up this simple poster just to advertise the film, and to show the production we would have aimed our piece to be produced/funded by - talked about in more depth in my evaluation.

I wanted to use a slighlty blurred image of Jack as this seemed to be common in a lot of 60's posters, the technology was not as efficient as now. I turned the majority of his head white to try to make it look more like a piece of art than an adertisement. I think the effect covers him in mystery, something that would be shown throughout the film. This therefore ties into the title 'The SECRET Life of Tommy Blackwell.' I thought it would be best to use another one of his costumes, not the one featured in the opening, just to show that we would change his costume somewhere throughout the whole film. 'The Darkest Side of Rock and Roll' comes from a line that one of Richard Curtis' characters says in The Boat That Rocked. Gavin Kavanagh, "It's the dark side of rock 'n' roll. As an exaggeration of this line, the Darkest side, seemed very appropriate. Also it shows his dark side when listening to rock and roll possibly? Possibly something that features later in the film? I think the symbol of 'ban the bomb' instead of an 'O' in Tommy, was just as a reference to the 60's, something it is also renowned for. Along with, of course, the complete opposite of peace which is maybe the significance to our piece? Together with the dark side of Tommy while listening to rock and roll and the peace sign. A suggestion of reference to the plot of the whole film.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Working with Jack

As I mentioned earlier I think working with Jack is extremely beneficial as we are both extremely good firends anyway so we both know what to do to make the other one laugh or agree with a piece of our work but also we know what not to do to annoy the other one. I think perhaps that is the downside with Jack and I working together, it was not challenging enough. We both knew how the other would work and we knew when we could film and plan etc. it was just fitting it around the normal time we saw each other anyway. In future I think it would be beneficial to work with someone I am perhaps less familiar with, to be able to grow more at working like a real production company would where no one really knows anyone else. If not working on my own is an option as I could then try see how hard it is to be a stand alone director/producer having to organise absolutely everything around the film, then perhaps I would respect team work more!

I think working with someone you know is easier and more useful than someone you don't as you know what they like, you probably have similar likes and you both know how the other works, what they are bad/good at. But not knowing them is almost equally beneficial. You get to meet someone knew, learn more about others oppinions, you probably end up with a better production as there is somebody else's view going into the piece. You would also be able to create a mix of genres instead of just making films that you want all the time, you would learn of other genres, cultures etc. It seems more beneficial working with unfamiliar faces than with the people you live around and are growing up wih as friends, it is too personal to work and you get distracted to easily.